The BENCH cluster focuses on gold-standard laboratory equipment that is not portable, can run at high capacity, and can produce results at the highest levels of sensitivity and resolution.
Phoenix V|tome|x M300
This micro- computed tomography (micro-CT) system, manufactured by Waygate Technologies (a Baker Hughes Company) features two X-rays tubes: a 300 kV / 500 W microfocus option and a 240 kV / 320 W nanofocus option, allowing for resolutions of <2 μm (microfocus) or <0.5 μm (nanofocus). The system can sustain objects of up to 50 kg in weight and up to 50 x 60 cm in size.
Sensofar S Neox Confocal Microscope
The Sensofar S Neox is a confocal microscopy system that uses a 4-in-1 technology: Ai focus variation, which gathers image sets of the sample at multiple planes to generate a composite continuous image of the surface; Confocal, which allows only in-focus light to enter the imaging system; Interferometry, which enables the user to generate a spatial inteference pattern to view surface topology of the sample; and Thin-film, measures the thickness of optically transparent layers non-destructively. In addition, the S Neox utilizes LED lights instead of a standard laser, allowing for faster measurement and the use of different wavelengths for different samples. More details and specfications on the Sensofar S Neox Confocal Microscope can be found on the Sensofar Website.
ThermoFisher Axia Scanning Electron Microscope
The ThermoFisher Axia is a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) that also collects Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) data in the background, allowing for a chemical characterization and elemental analysis of a sample. This makes the ThermoFisher Axia SEM able to display both morphology and quantitative elemental make up together in real time, as a visualized color-coded elemental display of sample. This system is ideal for research concerned with elemental analysis on microscopic surfaces.
Further details and specifications can be found on the ThermoFisher Website.
Keyence VHX-7000 Scanning Optical Microscope
The Keyence VHX-7000 scanning optical microscope is a digital microscopy system that allows for bright field, dark field, and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) modes. The system features automatic alignment, focus, adjustment, and magnification switching as well as 90 degrees of tilt, relieving the difficulties of manual alignment seen in other microscopy systems. The VHX-7000 also features an Optical Shadow effect mode which vastly increases elevational contrasts in a given sample, making this microscope system ideal for research involving analysis of surface features and morphologies.
Further details and information can be found on the Keyence Website.
Keyence VL-500 Blue Light Object Scanner
The VL-500 Blue Light Object Scanner is a 3D-Scanning systems that uses higher wavelength blue light to generate 360-degree 3D models of objects. The scanner automatically recognizes object size and dimensions with a repeatability error rate of up to 2 µm 0.000079” and can acquire up to 16 million points per scan. This makes this scanning system ideal for research concerned with precise surface feature measurement.
Further details and information on this system can be found Keyence Website.
Atlas X micro-XRF Spectrometer
The Atlas µXRF system provide a tiny focal spot (down to 5 μm, depending on desired configuration) that allows for enhanced trace element analysis and the creation of hyperspectral images of a sample. It features the industry’s most voluminous sample chamber (940 x 660 x 355 mm), allowing for automation of more samples, larger area mapping capabilities, and wider variability of sample types.
Further details and information on this system can be found IXRF Website.